Koke'e State Park Kauai

Kauai Hotels

    Koke'e State Park is a vast nature preserve located 4,000 feet above sea level on the West side of Kauai along the Waimea Canyon ridge. Koke'e State Park is over 4,000 acres and over 45 miles of trails. Koke'e means "to bend" and bend is exactly the way to describe both trails and roads in Koke'e State Park. One of the top priorities of Koke'e State Park is to maintain the native trees and vegetation that are the homes of many rare birds that live in the area. The Koke'e State Park Museum is also the visitor center for the park. Be sure to ask about the proper trails for hiking, as each trail suits different interests and abilities. Kalalau Lookout at the end of Koke'e Road is often the goal, which give wonderful views of Waimea Canyon.

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